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Chinese Astrology Zone

Our astrology zone is not talking about the Chinese horoscope animals. This Chinese Astrology uses the balance theory of Yin-Yang Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) to predict people's future. Not like other horoscopes, this Chinese Astrology won't tell your personality or your relationships with people, which you should know better than any Astrology. Here we are interesting in telling something about yourself, which you never know before.

By clicking the Submit Button in the following form with your birth data, you will find three valuable secrets about yourself. One is the Lucky Element from your Five Elements. The second one is The Rise and Fall Chart of Your Life. The last one is the Lucky Element Guide to help you to improve your luck in the rest of your life.

    Astronomical Calendar       China Civil Calendar (only for east longitude 120 degree)

Time Zone     (Optional) City longitude use negative for west longitude

Birth Year Month Day   Hour Minute

Gender  Male  Female

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