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John Lennon Chinese Astrology

The Five Element Life Balance Chart of the Celebrity

John Lennon, the Beatles, was born on 10/9/1940 18:30 a.m. He was assassinated on 8/8/1980.

>The Life Balance Chart shows Lennon was low in luck before the Beatles broke up in 1970.

The Yearly Life Balance Chart shows Lennon was low in 1980 comparing with the year he was born in 1940.
If Lennon wasn't assassinated, Lennon should do pretty well in 2002.
The bar chart after 1980 stands for the luck of his next generation.

The Opportunity Chart shows Lennon's career and money opportunities.
The Beatles really brought Lennon wealth.

John Lennon's Birth Chart tells people that wealth is not equal to happiness.

The Charts are provided by Chinese Fortune Angel software

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