Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology and Chinese Farmer Calendar software need to be installed using an administrator account under Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
If you didn't get the software download page after payment, then we will send you email regarding to the download location.
Click the link from the email, it will bring you to the download page.
Click on the Submit button.
>>> Before downloading, you must know where the download ZIP file will be saved. <<<
Click on FamerPro.ZIP link to download. Then select 'Save as' the option to save the file.
Or you can right-click on the FamerPro.ZIP link, then select 'Save target as' to download.
When the following window appears, then you can save the software ZIP file wherever you want. But you must remember the download location.
Click Save button to start downloading. Depending on Windows version or download tool in your computer, it should tell you download has completed.
You need to go to your download folder and look for
To UNZIP the file, right-click on, select 'Extract All..' to unzip
Remember the Extracted folder, then click the Extract button to finish UNZIP.
Now, you have to go to Extracted folder to install the software.
Look for Setup.exe or Famer-Setup.exe, and right-click on it. Select 'Run as Administrator' to install the software.
Then follow the instructions to finish the installation.
64-bit Windows will install the software in C:\Program Files (x86) folder.
After click the Finish button, the Farmer's Calendar Short Cut will be created on the desktop.
Some screens in the Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology and Chinese Farmer Calendar are required the password to access. In Windows 7 and Windows 8, you need to Run software using administrator account to enter the password. Otherwise, Windows 7 and Windows 8 will keep asking the password next time you run the software.
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